Pan European Cronus Project
As of May 2022 BitoechPRO has entered an EU Horizon project to study and map carbon negative sustainable biofuel production with a consortium consisting of universities and specialists from UK, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus and Denmark. The project official start date is December 1st and a KO meeting is scheduled in Athens on…
New Consultancy Contract
BiotechPRO has signed a contract to deliver consultancy services to the NEOSUCCESS Consortium the next 3 years – covering IPR and business development. NEOSUCCESS is the first technology that integrates complementarily two complex processes, combining biogas upgrading into BioMethane and fermentation based BioSuccinic Acid production, and obtain two valuable resources for the industry.
Page Launch
We finally decided to launch a webpage to improve communication with our present and future customers.